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Home News
Concerning Recent Events in Ukraine

Суспільні і політичні кризи в країні

Each of us lives a life rich with events. Some more memorable than others, they remain the property of the hidden corners of our souls, and we tend to share the meaningful ones with our loved ones and in Christian circles, where together we can share all the joys and difficulties of our everyday life. On February 9 Salvation Church rejoiced with Sergey and Lyudmila Drobinko, who became parents in November. On that Sunday all those present at the service joined the prayer of blessing little Zhenya, and, of course, shared the joy that our church now has more happy families with children.

A Letter from the Russian Mission Field

Плоди благословенного життя

Greetings to you, brothers and sisters!

First of all, I want to thank you all for your prayers and support of our ministry! We really appreciate it and thank you from our hearts!

A lot of people have been worrying about whether our family will freeze, since we don't really have a roof on the house, or more accurately, there is no permanent roofing, just a tarp. Dear friends , God watches out for us and cares for us in all circumstances. God covered the roof with snow, and thanks to the boards under the tarp, the snow stayed where it belonged and the cold stayed in the attic. God gave us the wisdom to install insulation and it keeps the house quite warm and comfortable. Glory to God!!!

Life's Blessings

Плоди благословенного життя

They say that it's easier to empathize with someone who is sad than to rejoice with someone who is happy, but we are certain that the members of Salvation Church weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice sincerely and whole-heartedly. So let's rejoice along with…

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Кінець 2013 та початок 2014 років мало хто передбачав як період вибуху і гострого протистояння в українському суспільстві. Здається, попри всі прогнози і панівні тенденції відбулося те, до чого ніхто серйозно не готувався.

Церква є невід'ємною частиною українського суспільства і в таких непростих умовах, безумовно, виникає питання: яка її роль в суспільних і політичних процесах? Де, зокрема, місце євангельських церков і їхніх служителів у часи суспільного протистояння? Погляди радикалізуються, звучать діаметрально протилежні відповіді – очевидно, що християни по-різному реагують на "майдан".

A Joyful Christmas Service

Святкове різдвяне служіння

"Christ is born!" - "Praise Him!" This is the cheery greeting with which we welcomed our friends to church. The festive and upbeat atmosphere helped us forget about the rather dark and unusually snowless winter days we were having. The decorated Christmas tree, the smiling familiar faces - in Salvation Church there was an especially festive atmosphere. "Christmas Day, Christmas Day" - the children were singing, proclaiming to all present the most important event in the history of mankind.

Christmas - Not a Time to Be Silent!

Різдво – не час для мовчання

On Christmas Eve, six carolers from Salvation Church rang the doorbell of a typical high-rise apartment house. An elderly woman appeared on the threshold. With glowing eyes, she invited the young people into her tidy living room. On the couch they saw a sick man who had not been able to move for over 20 years because of a terrible disease. With embarrassed faces they performed a few Christmas carols and wished the man a Merry Christmas.

Christmas is Coming

Свято наближається

The delicate aroma of cinnamon, cloves, citrus and miracles ... The family dinner, the fire in the fireplace, the gifts ... If you say these words don't remind you of Christmas, I just won't believe you. It seems to me that this is a very special time for everyone, because at Christmas we often think of something special and remember almost everything that happened. Sometimes, unfortunately, everything but the main thing: the birth of the Savior of the world - Jesus Christ.

Missionary News from Russia

Миссионерские новости из Льгова



The name Victor Saltykov is familiar to us at Salvation Church. Today we present his newsletter, addressed to those who pray for and support his ministry in the Kursk region of Russia:

Like Shakespeare in Poltava

Як у Шекспіра

Every year when autumn is winding down and winter is making its presence known, young people from all over the region gather in Poltava. Kotel'va and Kremenchug, Dykanka Zinkiv, Oposhnya and Horol, Great Bagachka and Chervonozavodskoe, Kobelyaki and Komsomolsk, Kiev and Pavlysh - that's the list of the cities and towns from which Christian young people came to our city (and in fact they came from more places than that).



Energy Club, that's what we call the club we started for teenagers who are looking for lively conversation and new friends! All of our planning team's prayer, training and effort finally came to fruition on Saturday, November 2. Eighteen young people responded to our invitation to the long-anticipated meeting. Live music provided by the band of Salvation Church made ​​this time especially festive!

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