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Home groups

Каждый человек - это Божье творение. И это творение социальное. То есть, мы не можем без общения с себе подобными. Бог вложил в человека потребность в том, чтобы отдавать людям и принимать от людей.
Мы рождаемся в семье, где родители отдают свою любовь подрастающему поколению и учат отдавать любовь другим. И вот с этим отождествлением себя с семьей и зреет человек. Абсолютно у каждого есть семья, родственники. Сколько их - это уже второй вопрос. Но если у человека нет семьи вообще - то он себя чувствует одиноким, потерянным и несчастным.
По мере созревания характера мы учимся приобретать друзей, которые становятся как бы нашей компанией, мы опять же, отождествляем себя с этими людьми, и всегда страдаем, когда теряем друзей.. Библия во множестве стихов определяет церковь, как духовную семью (Рим.4:11;12:5; Кол.1:18;) , то есть людей, которые имеют и ответственность и обязанности друг перед другом. По этому мы не можем рассматривать по настоящему верующего человека, как прихожанина, он не может не принимать активного участия в жизни других верующих и наоборот.
Мы верим, что невозможно быть духовно здоровым человеком и не иметь регулярного духовного созидательного общения с верующими людьми. Именно по этому каждый вновь приходящий к нам человек должен влиться в какую-то уже существующую домашнюю группу.
В этом году Бог благословляет нас желанием к умножению нескольких из наших домашних групп, так, что милости просим присоединяться всех, кто еще не есть частью какой то группы. Ведь именно в проявлении взаимной любви мы можем увидеть Христа воочию, переживать Его откровения и благословения. Не игнорируйте этих слов: "Не будем оставлять собрания своего, как есть у некоторых обычай..." (Евр.10:25)


leader Oleg Bondarenko
Home Group at Dublyanschyni - a group of young, energetic and dynamic followers of Christ!

The average age group - 35 years
Venue groups - groups held meetings alternately in three city districts: Dublyanschyna, Separation, Tahtaulove.
The official meeting place - Poltava, vul. Central 14.
Group meetings: 18:30.
Millennium Group: Spiritual Growth, practical ministry, communication, yevanhelyzm


leader Anatoly Marfin tel. 0952542282
E-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Skype: marfin.anatoly
Location: m-n Levada
Group meeting: 6:30 p.m.
Age: 30-50 years
Who: couple
Purpose of meeting: Communication, analysis Sunday sermon, the Word, certificate, prayer. 


leader Konstantin Nagorniy
tel 53 -66-71 0503058277
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Location: m-n Levada
Group meeting: 18:30.
Age: 18-25 years


leader Viki Pavlenko

Location: Mr.. Motels
Group meeting: 18:00.
Age: 45-55 years


leader Roman Zhuk  
tel.64-46-26 0689658448  E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Location: Mr.. Hozhuly, center
Group meeting: 17:30.
Age: 35-45 years


leader Radislav Tsurkan
tel. 0532 591042, mob. 066 9322807 E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Location: Mr.. Rozsoshentsi
Group meeting: 17:00 Age: 25-50 years
Going through Saturday (call and specify). Meetings are held mainly in the apartment at the head of the group, but sometimes we meet someone else in the group.
Features of our group: In this period we have chosen a theme for a group of "Gifts of the Holy Spirit, as we believe it is important that every Christian knows its place in the Body of Christ, that is a gift and serve them in the church. Without a clear understanding of this issue can not live a full Christian life and see God's power in his life. The topic we chose for the whole year. In our group of people of different ages and different marital status - are also married couples and people with incomplete family and is unmarried. We are 11 people + 4 children.

leader Kara Krestel

tel: 0505843791 email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Location: 5 Marshala Koneva (near Paravos)
Group meeting: Saturday, 7:00pm
Age: Girls' group, 13+
This is a Bible study in English for girls who are seeking to know more about God and the Bible, even if you are not sure what you believe in right now. We cover all kinds of topics, including relationships, dealing with emotions, our purpose in life and how God wants us to live. We welcome you to join our group, where we can share life together and develop relationships with each other, encouraging each other through the ups and downs of life!

leader Olga Michaylenko
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots
on Klymivtsi.
The average age group - 1959
Venue groups - villages.
Klymivka Street. Gaidar 49, Apt. 3
Day and time group meetings: Saturday 17:00 (winter) 18:00 (summer).Millennium Group: Spiritual Growth practical ministry, Communication, Yevanhelyzm

leader Vladimir Holovash
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Location: MN-N. Diamond
Group meeting: 17:00 Age: 17-27 years
It seems like every small group leader, I say that our group - best))) Talking about its features can not avoid the fact that it consists of people of different age categories: 16 to 23. This is probably not so much at first glance, but actually significant difference. This means that each topic should be considered in terms of adolescent maximalism and very mature, almost formed thought. But the truth zalyshyetsya one for all!
Note that we believe that small group - more than three hours on Saturday! So try to maintain contact during the week. Since February 2010 the group intend to pursue unity, as we call them. That first Saturday of every month we are going to go on prrosto ice rink or watch movies and stuff ... We believe that it helps to become acquainted and become friends with each other.
The main goal of our small group is growing! Moreover, both quantitative and qualitative. That priority is yevanhelyzm and discipleship, and as a result of mature, spiritually strong leaders that could evolve in serving the Lord, especially zapochatkovuvaly new small group! We pray and plan the end of this year, a new small group ...

leader Tatyana Varyanytsya
tel.58-94-29 0950903964 E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Location: MN-N. Gardens
Group meeting: 17:00 Age: 17-30 years
Our group has been in existence for several years. God has united us thirst for learning words, the desire to share their joys and experiences in the circle of brothers and sisters and work together in fulfilling the great commission. Our aspiration to become the most important people the words of prayer and service to the Lord. We want to practice to feel the action of God in our hearts, and hearts of those who surround us. We are pleased to invite you to join our common krokuvannya in developing our relationship with God and serving neighbor. In our hearts will always be close to each of you.



leader Pavlenko Pavlo

tel: 0991783645 email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Location: m-n 23 September, Motel
Group meeting: 5:30 p. m. Age: 16 - 22
Our small group is very special in God's eyes because it consists of young people who have the hot heart and want to serve God. We want to study Bible treat it in different contexts. Our group is very energetic and dynamic for God. We are search for new friends. And most importantly we want to be the word of God and not just its readers, because the power of God is to live and keep the commandments of God are written in His Word ...

leader Morochovec Vyaceslav

tel: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Location: on. Podol
Age: 18-24 <
Goals: Preparing to serve young people grow spiritually, to fulfill the Great Instruction of the Lord Jesus Christ, whom we confess all his life, using a variety of programs to the body of Christ was greate


Каталог христианских сайтов Для ТЕБЯ Маранафа: Библия, словарь, каталог сайтов, форум, чат Рё РјРЅРѕРіРѕРµ РґСЂСѓРіРѕРµ. Церкви.com Портал познания Бога Твоя Библия: Библия, ответы на вопросы, христианский форум, библиотека, каталог сайтов. Разумный Замысел Сотворение. Эволюция. Динозавры. Возраст Земли. Всемирный потоп. Библия. Семинар Кента Ховинда бесплатно. Система Orphus