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Home Missions CEF, AWANA

Vladimir & Lida Goluk

Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), and AWANA

Leader: Vladimir Goliuk, born in 1959, married to Lydia. We have 4 children. We were baptized together in 1991, and have been serving together in Child Evangelism Fellowship since 1998. Responsible for the Department of evangelization of children in the area of children's ministry in the church and chairman of the Regional Committee of children's ministry since 2002.

Tel. +38 (0532) 59-21-59, +38 068 9559166 
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) 
Child Evangelism Fellowship is one of the world's largest international Christian missions to children.
In 156 countries run 2000 employees of the mission and more than 40000 volunteers. Through various types of ministry mission CEF covers the world more than 4 million children.
In Ukraine, the ministry CEF began in 1991 and in 1993 received official registration.
Serving the mission develops in 12 areas of our country. In each area has its own executive and his team of voluntary helpers.
Serving CEF is only possible through God's will, and prayer and financial support of the faithful.
Over 50 thousand children in Ukraine every year they hear the Gospel through various forms of ministry.
In the Poltava region commenced service in 1998. 
     Aims of service:
- Help churches evangelize children who have not heard the Good News of salvation;
- Training of brothers and sisters, who see the calling of God in this ministry;
- Teach children the Word of God, who turned to the Lord;
- Involve children in the life and ministry in local churches. 
    The main types of service:
Mugs "Glad Tidings" - a regular Bible study for children from unbelieving families, we help to organize outside of the church and in any premises, whether schools, orphanages, hospitals and orphanages during the school year once a week.
Five-day summer clubs - boys and girls gather in the courtyards, on gaming and other platforms and open field for 2 hours for 5 days. Children are invited path to salvation through Bible lessons and verses, songs and interesting sports program.
Distribution of children's literature (booklets, magazines, books) in different places for children's reading and provide a certain amount for distribution to the churches.
A one-day holidays - meetings with the children. This 2-3 hour program with scenes, picnyamy, games and gifts, as well as the interesting history of the lives of biblical characters and of the lives of children, dedicated to any holiday. After this, children are invited to Sunday school, or mug.
Daytime and stationary evangelistic camp.
Teen Bible Club - courses unbelieving families with children aged 12-15 years in the church and in her.
Bible Correspondence Center - the biblical teaching children through correspondence by mail.
Real help of churches and country:
- 6-day seminars on "Effective education for children, 3 levels: ENM -1, ENM - 2, ENM - 3, where we teach the use of various methods of effective evangelization of children, lead them to Christ, to undertake further work with them and teach them God's Word, how to work with problem children, children depending on age, environment, location, religion and its problems;
6-day workshop to train teachers with adolescents;
- Regular (1 time per month) training for teachers clubs and Sunday schools with the provision of necessary training programs for children. Classes are held in the church "Salvation" Poltava and Kremenchug Regional Bible College and at the invitation of Churches;
- Providing a variety of instructional materials to work with children and various programs for evangelistic events, holidays, camps, on the street and in other locations, as well as the regular Bible study during the academic year;
- Provision of (possible) practical assistance in carrying out various activities for children's evangelism.
- Assist in the preparation and training of children's ministry leaders in other areas and countries. 

   Prayer Request:
1. Order, the largest possible number of children who reach the Gospel and lead them to Christ.
2. To each church understood the importance of the Word of God to teach children not only in church, but also in clubs, schools, orphanages, hospitals, etc.
3. On dealing with brothers and sisters for the evangelization of children and the opportunity for them to receive training.
4. On prayer and financial support of the ministry of evangelization of children.

Статьи Голюк Владимира:
1. Какие они, сегодняшние дети? (Интервью со школьниками)
2. Children Are Ready to Celebrate Christmas the Whole Year!
3. Teen Camp "Crimea 2010"
4. History repeated itself with Christmas and Easter
5. Children Choose the Gospel!

Каталог христианских сайтов Для ТЕБЯ Маранафа: Библия, словарь, каталог сайтов, форум, чат Рё РјРЅРѕРіРѕРµ РґСЂСѓРіРѕРµ. Церкви.com Портал познания Бога Твоя Библия: Библия, ответы на вопросы, христианский форум, библиотека, каталог сайтов. Разумный Замысел Сотворение. Эволюция. Динозавры. Возраст Земли. Всемирный потоп. Библия. Семинар Кента Ховинда бесплатно. Система Orphus