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Home Ministries 'Our Family' club

The Ministry of Our Family Club

"Now finally, all of you should be like-minded and sympathetic,

should love believers, and be compassionate and humble" 1 Pet. 3:8

Friendship, mutual support are the human needs based on God's gift to love and care for our neihbours. The living Church of Jesus Christ always strives to strengthen brotherly relations of all its members, fulfilling the commandment of God:

"Let brotherly love [among you] abide" Heb. 13:1
"Be the love of the brethren to each other with affection, in honor preferring one another" Rom. 12:10
"Touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another" 1 Thes. 4:9
We have started Our Family Club since the earliest days of the Salvation church to let the members of the church and our guests have a good time for communication with each other while drinking tea and eating cookies. We have Our Family Club every Sunday, right after the church service (from 3.00 p.m.) in the dining room of Poltava Centre of Christian Ministry. 
There is a solid biblical foundation for the development of such Christian club movement that includes the following aims: 
- to meet a longing for communication between the people inside the church;
- to create a spontaneous fellowship of brothers and sisters in the Lord in order to know each other better and to be able to care, support, pray for one another, serve one another with the spiritual and material gifts that are given to them by God;
- to help people get rid of the sense of loneliness which is so typical for a modern person, and encourage them to feel as the members of a great and loving God's family.

"But most of all have fervent love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another without grudging. Serve one another, each a gift, which was as good stewards of the manifold grace of God "1 Pet. 4:8-10

There is a Hospitality Group that exists as a part of Our Family Club ministry, the main purpose of which is to serve our guests, baby Christians, our church members and many others. We want to pay more attention to these people, to spend more time with them, to give them care and love. 
The real friendship can arise only in the atmosphere of unity and cordiality therefore the true Christian hospitality can be considered as a spiritual ministry. At our meetings we drink tea and eat cookies with our guests, but the main thing is a spiritual fellowship, which helps people who are looking for the Lord Jesus Christ, to come to know His truth, His great love, to accept the Lord as their personal Savior, to help them to join His church. 

"Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God" Rom.15: 7
Brothers and sisters of the Hospitality Group are trying to welcome every church visitor, to answer their questions with love, to listen to them and, if possible, to help them in the need they have.
In the Hospitality Group particular attention is paid to the people who are open to God and to the new members of the church, as well as to the brothers and sisters in the Lord with special problems and needs. Our care for these people is expressed in many ways and often is closely connected with other ministries in our church:
- Participation in small home Bible study groups;
- Bible study classes at church;
- Personal counseling;
- Prayer support, etc.
Through the ministry of the hospitality, our Salvation church wants to serve with love to God and to people: 
"Do not forget good and to communicate, for with such sacrifices are pleasing to God" Heb. 13:16

"Obeying the truth through the Spirit, cleanse your souls unto unfeigned love of the brethren, love one another with a pure heart" 1 Pet. 1:22 

Brothers and sisters of the Salvation church we encourage you to join Our Family club and get an excellent opportunity to:
- Learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ and, specifically, about the Salvation church;
- Find answers to questions that you are interested in;
- Share your problems and concerns with others;
- Receive a prayer and any other support;
- Make new acquaintances and friends;
- Learn more about how to become a member of the great and loving God's family.
Every Sunday at 15.00, Our Family Club is open for everyone!

Каталог христианских сайтов Для ТЕБЯ Маранафа: Библия, словарь, каталог сайтов, форум, чат Рё РјРЅРѕРіРѕРµ РґСЂСѓРіРѕРµ. Церкви.com Портал познания Бога Твоя Библия: Библия, ответы на вопросы, христианский форум, библиотека, каталог сайтов. Разумный Замысел Сотворение. Эволюция. Динозавры. Возраст Земли. Всемирный потоп. Библия. Семинар Кента Ховинда бесплатно. Система Orphus