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Home Missions Prison

Різдвяний ярмарок

Sergei Perepelitsa, coordinator Prison Fellowship

I came to faith in Christ while serving my sentence in prison.  Before my sentence was finished God called to serve others like myself. In 2003 I was released from prison and consecrated my life to God through the holy waters of baptism.

At first God made it possible to evangelize in drug treatment and tuberculosis clinics, and later in prisons. Example, in 2004. in our church began a prison ministry.I want to express my gratitude to his brother Sergei Ilyin, as well as brothers of the church "New Life" to help start a prison ministry. Today we have a ministry in the three colonies, where there is a group of believers convicted and organized prayer rooms.



Services are held:
VC number 65
(female colony of strict regime) - Saturday 18:30-20:30



VC number 16
(men's regime penal colony) - Sunday 9:30-11:00

VC number 29 (Men's Colony free settlement) - Sunday 19:00-21:00



Prayer needs:
THE GROUP Prison ministry.
About COORDINATOR Prison ministry and his family.

Contact Us

Our address for correspondence:
Perepelitsa Sergey G.
Church "Salvation"
Prospekt Mira, 24
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Каталог христианских сайтов Для ТЕБЯ Маранафа: Библия, словарь, каталог сайтов, форум, чат Рё РјРЅРѕРіРѕРµ РґСЂСѓРіРѕРµ. Церкви.com Портал познания Бога Твоя Библия: Библия, ответы на вопросы, христианский форум, библиотека, каталог сайтов. Разумный Замысел Сотворение. Эволюция. Динозавры. Возраст Земли. Всемирный потоп. Библия. Семинар Кента Ховинда бесплатно. Система Orphus