Energy Club, that's what we call the club we started for teenagers who are looking for lively conversation and new friends! All of our planning team's prayer, training and effort finally came to fruition on Saturday, November 2. Eighteen young people responded to our invitation to the long-anticipated meeting. Live music provided by the band of Salvation Church made ​​this time especially festive!
Time and again, our team pondered: "How can we make the club fun for teenagers?" - Should we have interesting games? - Yes, of course! - It would be nice if the kids find new friends here! - You bet! - You need to create a pleasant atmosphere and serve tea. - Absolutely! - And we'll go on outings together? - Sure thing! - And what new things will the kids learn at the club? - Of course, we'll have classes for hobbies that the kids are interested in! - And will we have time to talk about music and relationships? - We'll make time! After all, teenagers are really interested in those things. - And we won't forget the most important thing will we? The kids will be able to learn more about God and ask questions about Christianity and other religions? - That's the whole point! That's why we are doing this!
This won't be our club. We want this to be their club that they take an active part in. That is why we took a survey at the first meeting. Our goal was to find out the interests of the members of the club. So, every Saturday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm we are expecting young people up to 16 years of age in the big hall of the Christian Ministry Center! We will also welcome anyone who wants to help out, support us in prayer or support us financially. You will be welcome!
Andrey Churkin
