They say that the problem with Ukrainians is their indifference. And it's hard to disagree with that. Alas ...
However, among our fellow Ukrainians are those who do not remain untouched by the problems of others. The SMS Club, in conjunction with the orphans' foundation "Heart to Heart", dedicated their most recent theme night to the topic of good works.
We are happy to report that we are seeing more and more new faces at the club gatherings. This time we also had guests from Novi Sanzhar, who came to learn from our experience with youth clubs.
The core message of the SMS club has been to encourage people to observe the Golden Rule of Christ: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The representatives of the "Heart to Heart" fund, with whom we have long been friends and have worked together, suggested to the attendees that they put what they learned that evening into practice by becoming a volunteer with the fund during the April-May "Heart to Heart" campaign this year.
Therefore, let's not be indifferent to the problems of our neighbors and society as a whole! We are the salt of the earth and light of the world! Should not Christians, more than any others, selflessly do good, thus glorifying the Heavenly Father?
Vladimir Golovash