The joy of Christ is not just a personal joy, but joy for the whole church - for all the brothers and sisters in Christ united by the blood of the spotless Lamb. For this reason we greet our church family with the words "Christ is risen!" We know that what we will hear in reply is more than just a formula; it is a sincere confession of a living faith - "He is risen indeed." This year, as always, we exchanged Easter greetings with our sister church in Saint Charles. The greeting from Poltava, "Christ is risen" was sent to the U.S. by Pastor Valery Antonuk on March 31, and now here is the reply, "He is risen indeed." We received it on the eve of Easter, according to the Eastern calendar. For those who did not hear the reading of this greeting from our sister church during the Easter service, here is the opportunity to read it.

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Out of the deepest misery and alienation, God's grace and power have triumphed. Jesus meekly and submissively went to the Cross, bearing the awful weight of our sins, and accomplishing the good pleasure of the Lord our Father to release us from sin's guilt and power. Now we rejoice forevermore: Christ is risen indeed!
The resurrection is both an historical fact, and a present reality. We have been raised with Christ, and we are complete in him! We look forward to his return in glory and to the resurrection of all the saints unto everlasting life in the New Creation. This hope gives us grace and strength to persevere.
So as you continue in the advancement of Christ's gospel in the Ukraine, we stand with you as partners in this great work, encouraging you as you encourage us, to be "steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain" (1 Cor. 15:58).
May your celebration of Christ's Resurrection this Easter Sunday be full of joy and renewed hope in the all-conquering grace of our God.
Rejoicing with you,
David Sunday, on behalf of New Covenant Bible Church |