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  • Church of Salvation

    Welcome to the website of the Christian "Salvation" church!
    "Salvation" is a gospel church in Poltava which professes Christian values and unites people who want to live by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
    Our motto: "live such a life that the world could be changed".
    Address: Poltava city, Prospekt Mira 24.
    If you are a poltavite or a guest of our city we will be happy to see you at our worship services on Sunday at 13:30

  • Ministry of the church

    A servant is one who does the will of another. Jesus Christ said that He came to serve and to do the will of the Father. Jn. 6:38, Matt. 20:28
    We, as followers of our Lord and Teacher try to execute his will in those ministries and projects that are represented in our church.

    We'll be happy if you will join us in the ministry to expand the kingdom of God on earth.

  • Mission of the church

    Evangelical "Salvation" church exists to ensure that every person living in Poltava and abroad, had the opportunity to hear the Gospel, to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and become His disciple. By this we mean our missionary vocation. To achieve this goal we are trying to use every opportunity to make the gospel of salvation as accessible to those whose soul is not saved. We believe that God always works around us, laboring over the hearts of dying. Therefore, we try to see it, and join the missionary movement of the Holy Spirit.

  • Home groups

    As the first church, in addition to general service on Sundays, we practice communion of the church in small "home" groups. (Acts 2:46).
    You also can choose a small group of your age or one that is very close to your place of residence.

    Sweet tea and close communication will help you to grow spiritually and to feel God's love and care. Learn more here.

  • Проповіді

    So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)
    З часу створення церкви, проповідь - це один із засобів Божих, через який Він відкриває Свою волю.
    Бог через проповідь Слова навчає і освячує свою церкву. (Ів.17:17)

    Ви також маєте можливість прослухати, або скачати недільну проповідь тут.

A Letter from Our Sister Church
Monday, 06 May 2013 18:14


The joy of Christ is not just a personal joy, but joy for the whole church - for all the brothers and sisters in Christ united by the blood of the spotless Lamb. For this reason we greet our church family with the words "Christ is risen!" We know that what we will hear in reply is more than just a formula; it is a sincere confession of a living faith - "He is risen indeed." This year, as always, we exchanged Easter greetings with our sister church in Saint Charles. The greeting from Poltava, "Christ is risen" was sent to the U.S. by Pastor Valery Antonuk on March 31, and now here is the reply, "He is risen indeed." We received it on the eve of Easter, according to the Eastern calendar. For those who did not hear the reading of this greeting from our sister church during the Easter service, here is the opportunity to read it.

The Hands of Christ
Friday, 26 April 2013 08:26

Руки Христа

On April 20 in Poltava at the Christian Ministry Center there was a children's ministry conference with the theme: "The Hands of Christ." The conference was organized by the Child Evangelism Fellowship team of Salvation church. There were 80 participants representing 27 churches in the Poltava region. There were those who work with children inside the church and outside of it, as well as people who prayerfully support the children's ministry area.

Last Saturday...
Thursday, 25 April 2013 09:38


What is the image that comes into our mind when we hear the words "righteous man"? Are there any saints today? Do they go to our church? Did you make friends with them?

Through the years, as you live the Christian life, you become more and more convinced that a righteous man is a real, living person who makes mistakes, who, like all others, is flawed and needs improvement, but nevertheless has certain characteristics that distinguish him from most other Christians.

Eight Years of SMS Club
Monday, 22 April 2013 16:43

8 років СМС-клубу

On April 5 SMS Club celebrated its 8th birthday. Who would have thought that the club would carry on that long. But in spite of all the difficulties, mistakes, failures, the club continues to proclaim the Good News to the youth of Poltava.

The evening was a great success!

What? Where? When?
Saturday, 06 April 2013 19:16

Що? Де? Коли?

One of the recent major events in children's Sunday School was an intellectual game which surpassed everyone's expectations. Those who were there can guess what I am going to talk about next ... And for those who could not attend the battle of wits, I will describe it for you.

None of My Business?
Sunday, 31 March 2013 10:20

Моя хата скраю

They say that the problem with Ukrainians is their indifference. And it's hard to disagree with that. Alas ...

However, among our fellow Ukrainians are those who do not remain untouched by the problems of others. The SMS Club, in conjunction with the orphans' foundation "Heart to Heart", dedicated their most recent theme night to the topic of good works.

Take Up Your Cross ...
Tuesday, 12 March 2013 11:42


Since ancient times the custom of the Slavic peoples has been to place the cross on the dome of the church to crown the whole structure, completing its form and pointing the whole construction toward the heavens. For a long time now residents of the Levada neighborhood have been wrestling with the question of the purpose of the building with the mysterious name "CMC" at Prospect Mir 24.

Long-Running Christmas
Saturday, 09 March 2013 21:08

Довгограюче Різдво ...


How long do you think we can celebrate Christmas? You won't believe it, but we were able to stretch it to the first day of spring! More than a thousand children can attest to the extended holiday, which included these "innovations".


He + She = ???
Thursday, 07 March 2013 22:48


There may be no other topic as interesting to young people as relationships with the opposite sex. The lack of empty seats at the SMS club theme night on this topic is evidence enough. I don't think that anyone went away disappointed or bored.

Michael Gott International - Lessons in Faith and Love
Tuesday, 05 March 2013 15:43

Майкл Готт Інтернешнл

Recently we hosted another large group of people in our church building and the Christian Center. Approximately 600 Poltavans came each day to study English, thanks to the hard work of the teachers from "Michael Gott International". For the second time God gave our church this chance to share the love of Jesus Christ with new people. But were we ready to take advantage of it?

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