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  • Church of Salvation

    Welcome to the website of the Christian "Salvation" church!
    "Salvation" is a gospel church in Poltava which professes Christian values and unites people who want to live by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
    Our motto: "live such a life that the world could be changed".
    Address: Poltava city, Prospekt Mira 24.
    If you are a poltavite or a guest of our city we will be happy to see you at our worship services on Sunday at 13:30

  • Ministry of the church

    A servant is one who does the will of another. Jesus Christ said that He came to serve and to do the will of the Father. Jn. 6:38, Matt. 20:28
    We, as followers of our Lord and Teacher try to execute his will in those ministries and projects that are represented in our church.

    We'll be happy if you will join us in the ministry to expand the kingdom of God on earth.

  • Mission of the church

    Evangelical "Salvation" church exists to ensure that every person living in Poltava and abroad, had the opportunity to hear the Gospel, to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and become His disciple. By this we mean our missionary vocation. To achieve this goal we are trying to use every opportunity to make the gospel of salvation as accessible to those whose soul is not saved. We believe that God always works around us, laboring over the hearts of dying. Therefore, we try to see it, and join the missionary movement of the Holy Spirit.

  • Home groups

    As the first church, in addition to general service on Sundays, we practice communion of the church in small "home" groups. (Acts 2:46).
    You also can choose a small group of your age or one that is very close to your place of residence.

    Sweet tea and close communication will help you to grow spiritually and to feel God's love and care. Learn more here.

  • Проповіді

    So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)
    З часу створення церкви, проповідь - це один із засобів Божих, через який Він відкриває Свою волю.
    Бог через проповідь Слова навчає і освячує свою церкву. (Ів.17:17)

    Ви також маєте можливість прослухати, або скачати недільну проповідь тут.

Papa + me 2
Friday, 02 August 2013 22:55

Підлітковий табір

No one who goes to our church can imagine summer without evangelistic camps: children's, youth, family and women's. But in fact the word "camp" doesn't mean rest and relaxation for everyone; the organizers of these events are not on vacation, they are answering the call for conscientious hard work in God's fields of harvest.

Children's Camp in Zavorskla
Tuesday, 13 August 2013 09:06

Дитячий табір

The village Zavorsklo in the Poltava region hosted a wonderful children's camp with our American friends: the Rowland family and Mike Ray's team.

The program was interesting and varied: Bible stories, sports, contests, races, team competitions, skits, songs with motions, crafts, gifts - all lovingly arranged by our friends and a friendly team of qualified translators.

The Kingdom of Heaven Came to Them
Tuesday, 23 July 2013 11:31

дитячий табір

Summer is in full swing, it's time to relax and travel. You can travel on the sea, to the mountains, and, of course, to camp. And that's exactly what we will share in this article: a children's camp that was held in the village of Minovka from July the 8th to the 12th. The village was like any other, going about its quiet business, and suddenly it was full of the noise, running and laughter of 47 children. Through games and Bible activities the children's camp ministry team told the children about sin, God's love, and His wonderful plan of salvation. Surprisingly, some of the parents also started actively helping in conducting the camp. They showed love and concern for all of the children, not just their own.

Mission to Georgia
Saturday, 13 July 2013 22:34

Місіонерська поїздка до Грузії

Salvation Church of Poltava, as part of its development of foreign missions, sent a team of 9 to Georgia from June 29 to July 5 to assist at a youth camp. The camp was held in the village of Ureki (30 minutes drive from the city of Batumi) in a recreation center (which was still under construction) owned by the Georgian Baptist Fellowship. The camp was attended by 30 Georgian young people, most of whom were non-believers, or more precisely - had not accepted Christ as their personal Savior.

Catching a Plane...
Monday, 10 June 2013 15:16

Навздогін лайнеру

The school year has passed like a flash. It seems like only yesterday we were planning the schedule of classes in Sunday school and the children were just starting to get used to sitting with their parents in the service after their lesson. It's over already and summer vacation is starting.

Countering the Devil
Thursday, 06 June 2013 09:09

Всупереч підступам диявола

Now another spring is over. Easter has passed, and with it the exclamations of "Christ is risen!" ... Sometimes it seems that once again for a whole year people will forget the reason why our faith and hope are not in vain. But Easter Sunday is His victory over death, over hell and over the devil. This is the main and the central event of human history. This is the victory the Lord shares with all who trust in Him for salvation. So, my friends, this is also our victory, too, and we must not forget about it, even for a minute.

Watch Out! Cults!
Wednesday, 05 June 2013 18:47

Бережись! Сектанти!

In the opinion of members of the SMS team, the club is getting more provocative. The topics that we choose for discussion are, shall we say, are getting more socially divisive.

Marriage Retreat
Monday, 27 May 2013 09:13

Шлюбний вікенд

"What exactly do people want in their personal life?" - We asked this question of men and women of all ages, and received unexpected but encouraging responses. The vast majority, namely 67% of the respondents, considered family life the most important thing. What do they mean by that? They describe it as being close to their spouse and having a good relationship with their children. Material things also played an important role. However, experience shows that achieving that kind of marriage is not easy at all, and happiness in marriage doesn't just happen. As a result people get discouraged and stop looking for solutions to their problems.

A Good Tradition
Sunday, 12 May 2013 18:03

Церковний пікнік

Traditionally, on May 9 Salvation church has an outing for May Day or, as they say in the Poltava region, a jaunt. Traditionally, everyone who wants to come is invited. Traditionally, there is an entertaining program and great food. Traditionally, the men play soccer. Traditionally, ...

An Easter Fair
Friday, 10 May 2013 09:29

Пасхальне містечко

Do a few hours make much difference in our lives? The answer is, it all depends. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to understand something very important, and sometimes we spend a whole week and don't get anything out of it. How does time seem to pass? If we think about it, we find that the older a person is, the faster it goes, and vice versa ... But if you are concentrating on something interesting then the time spent will benefit everyone, adults and children.

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