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  • Church of Salvation

    Welcome to the website of the Christian "Salvation" church!
    "Salvation" is a gospel church in Poltava which professes Christian values and unites people who want to live by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
    Our motto: "live such a life that the world could be changed".
    Address: Poltava city, Prospekt Mira 24.
    If you are a poltavite or a guest of our city we will be happy to see you at our worship services on Sunday at 13:30

  • Ministry of the church

    A servant is one who does the will of another. Jesus Christ said that He came to serve and to do the will of the Father. Jn. 6:38, Matt. 20:28
    We, as followers of our Lord and Teacher try to execute his will in those ministries and projects that are represented in our church.

    We'll be happy if you will join us in the ministry to expand the kingdom of God on earth.

  • Mission of the church

    Evangelical "Salvation" church exists to ensure that every person living in Poltava and abroad, had the opportunity to hear the Gospel, to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and become His disciple. By this we mean our missionary vocation. To achieve this goal we are trying to use every opportunity to make the gospel of salvation as accessible to those whose soul is not saved. We believe that God always works around us, laboring over the hearts of dying. Therefore, we try to see it, and join the missionary movement of the Holy Spirit.

  • Home groups

    As the first church, in addition to general service on Sundays, we practice communion of the church in small "home" groups. (Acts 2:46).
    You also can choose a small group of your age or one that is very close to your place of residence.

    Sweet tea and close communication will help you to grow spiritually and to feel God's love and care. Learn more here.

  • Проповіді

    So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)
    З часу створення церкви, проповідь - це один із засобів Божих, через який Він відкриває Свою волю.
    Бог через проповідь Слова навчає і освячує свою церкву. (Ів.17:17)

    Ви також маєте можливість прослухати, або скачати недільну проповідь тут.

The Gifts of God
Thursday, 20 October 2011 21:37

Подарунки Бога

Saturday morning, October 8, started out grey and foggy. There were some worried phone calls: "Will it stay like this, or will it change...?", but in the end God gave us a warm, sunny day!

And this is how it was:

A Festive Break
Tuesday, 04 October 2011 10:16

Святкова зупинка

The Creator-God gives us a harvest every year, as he promised after the world-wide flood: "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." (Genesis 8:22)

In Old Testament times the Lord God established a feast of harvest for those who wanted to live by his laws. We read about it in the Bible: "Celebrate the Festival of Harvest with the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field. Celebrate the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather in your crops from the field." (Exodus 23:16) After the completion of the harvest the Isrealites thanked God for the abundant crop. At that time they gave a part of the harvest for the needs of the temple and for charity.

Children Choose the Gospel!
Saturday, 01 October 2011 06:56

Children Choose the Gospel!

"Summer has passed, as if it never was" - some may remember the words from Sofia Rotaru's song. Yes, summer passed very quickly and it feels as if it was short indeed. Children especially feel this way - to them it feels as if three months of vacation flew past like three weeks.

For us, the child evangelism team, summer went by even faster. We were very busy indeed! We wouldn't want to miss this wonderful opportunity when we can meet children where they live and play, and share with them simple, yet profound truths about God. Looking back on what we were able to do this summer, we want to praise the wonderful Creator, who is more interested than any of us in bringing the news of salvation to children.

Ultimate Frisbee
Thursday, 15 September 2011 13:09

Ultimate Frisbee

On Tuesday, the 30th of August, a new sport was introduced to Poltava - Ultimate Frisbee. The young people who gathered on the square beside the Gogol Theater had the opportunity to practice and take part in a fascinating game. The goal of the meeting was to invite them to a frisbee tournament, where they would also be able to hear, in a comfortable setting, the preaching of the Word of God.

With faith in the Future
Tuesday, 30 August 2011 08:58

With faith in the future

"With faith in the future" - that was the name of the second regional youth festival in the city of Mirgorod, which took place from the 8th to the 13th of August this year.  The significance is that this year in Ukraine has been declared "the year of the Peresopnytsia Gospels" (the 450 year old Peresopnytsia Gospels are one of the first texts written in Ukrainian), and we decided to plan our festival to coincide with it.  The goal of our festival was to show the residents of Mirgorod - not in words, but in actions - that Christian youth (and Christians in general) care about the lives of the people around them.  For James wrote in his letter that faith without works is dead.

For God So Loved Georgia
Monday, 29 August 2011 05:44

God is love and Georgia

"For God so loved the world..." - this verse is very familiar to any believer. Sometimes we read what is written in the Word and we don't get the full meaning. In this case we may read about God's love and not reflect on the fact that:

• The people that God loves don't live only in Ukraine, but also beyond its borders;
• Someone needs to tell them about God's love and manifest it in practice;
• In order to tell about God's love you need to travel to where the people live;
• Travelling to those people takes time, effort and money;
• And so on!


August 7 on the River Bank...
Friday, 12 August 2011 07:11


Currently a lot of evangelical churches are experiencing a real crisis relating to the baptism of new members. Just a few days ago a sister from one of the local churches of our Poltava region shared her deep concern with these words: "Somehting needs to be done, because for two years now we have not had anyone baptized in our church!"  In fact, the path a person takes to God is not simple, it is full of real struggles related to thoughts and desires.  There are many temptations along the way, but through it all, God is leading each one.  But He will not forcefully override a person's will, but instead whisper constant reminders of His presence, until the person's heart submits to him completely.

Thursday, 04 August 2011 13:03


Wikipedia defines this word as "... a ceremony marking the transition of the individual to a new stage of development within a specific social group..."  Different peoples and tribes have their initiation traditions and conduct various ceremonies so that children of a specific age may be considered as adults.  First and foremost this is "... a break, in some cases rather rough, with the world of childhood, the maternal and femine world.  It is breaking away from the life without responsibility, the life of naivete and ignorance."

National Treasure (quest)
Wednesday, 29 June 2011 21:25

Скарби нації (квест)

Everyone, at least once in their life, has dreamed of finding a treasure!  A Spanish Galleon at the bottom of the Carribean Sea, golden ducats, pearls, emeralds...  And imagine the adventures, the experiences, the unforgettable emotions that await someone who dares to try!  The romance...

In fact, the search for treasure is not anything like what we typically imagine.  Unfortunately, as sober reflection suggests, in order to undertake an expedition you would need to plough through a pile of books and maps, assemble a professional team, and, worst of all, find investors to sponsor the undertaking.  And people who invest money somehow think about romance least of all... Too bad...

But don't we have the right to dream of plunging into the world of adventure for just one evening?  The unanimous answer is: YES!

Do you speak English?
Friday, 17 June 2011 11:58

Ду ю спік інгліш?

In this era of globalization and rapidly developing information technology, it is impossible to imagine a successful person who does not speak a foreign language - English, in particular.  Therefore, every teenager and student who wants to achieve success in life should be interested in learning this international language.  Of course, everyone knows that practice is the best way to learn.  That is, in order to master a language you need to speak, speak, and speak some more.  Now the question is, who can you find in Poltava to speak English with?

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