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  • Church of Salvation

    Welcome to the website of the Christian "Salvation" church!
    "Salvation" is a gospel church in Poltava which professes Christian values and unites people who want to live by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
    Our motto: "live such a life that the world could be changed".
    Address: Poltava city, Prospekt Mira 24.
    If you are a poltavite or a guest of our city we will be happy to see you at our worship services on Sunday at 13:30

  • Ministry of the church

    A servant is one who does the will of another. Jesus Christ said that He came to serve and to do the will of the Father. Jn. 6:38, Matt. 20:28
    We, as followers of our Lord and Teacher try to execute his will in those ministries and projects that are represented in our church.

    We'll be happy if you will join us in the ministry to expand the kingdom of God on earth.

  • Mission of the church

    Evangelical "Salvation" church exists to ensure that every person living in Poltava and abroad, had the opportunity to hear the Gospel, to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and become His disciple. By this we mean our missionary vocation. To achieve this goal we are trying to use every opportunity to make the gospel of salvation as accessible to those whose soul is not saved. We believe that God always works around us, laboring over the hearts of dying. Therefore, we try to see it, and join the missionary movement of the Holy Spirit.

  • Home groups

    As the first church, in addition to general service on Sundays, we practice communion of the church in small "home" groups. (Acts 2:46).
    You also can choose a small group of your age or one that is very close to your place of residence.

    Sweet tea and close communication will help you to grow spiritually and to feel God's love and care. Learn more here.

  • Проповіді

    So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)
    З часу створення церкви, проповідь - це один із засобів Божих, через який Він відкриває Свою волю.
    Бог через проповідь Слова навчає і освячує свою церкву. (Ів.17:17)

    Ви також маєте можливість прослухати, або скачати недільну проповідь тут.

"SMS” has talent
Friday, 10 December 2010 08:41

SMS has talent

 We unwittingly surprised multifaceted wisdom of God displayed in the earthly creatures created by it. It is in man, which was designed according to the image and likeness of God Himself, hidden incredible love, power and beauty of the Creator. Sometimes so much zahoplyuyeshsya depth of the human person, are countless variety in her amazing talents and abilities that it is difficult to imagine how great it can be very Architect: "Amazingly my knowledge on it is high, I can not attain unto it."
 Meetings Youth SMS club in November was an excellent opportunity for every talented person to show their talents and creative nature of our scene. Such "willing" to recruit as many as five. Participants are not dropped face in the dirt, and were worthy of earning their shiny numbers deserved audience ovation.

The change of shorts for pants
Wednesday, 01 December 2010 09:04

Youth Conference

 Perhaps, the greatest number of sermons and articles in Christian journalism on the theme of the Great Commission of Christ. Almost every Christian is able to cite verses from memory of the 28 chapters of the Gospel of Matthew: "Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you all the days until the end of the century. Amen ».
Not again this theme? And where? At the regional youth conference?
Why do young people once again reminded that "crocked" in a Protestant environment calls for "the promotion and imposition of" the world's own moral values? We already do it at will and, if possible. Times of the Soviet dictatorship had passed, so do not tell how and what we should do, what to say to whom and where to go.

Man learns to live without limbs
Wednesday, 01 December 2010 16:07

Ник Вуджисик

Even with hands and feet, most people are not surfing at the beach of Waikiki, is not conducted the orchestra of 60 instruments that have not visited the slums of India and Egypt and do not perform circus stunts for a Hollywood movie. But the man who was born without limbs, doing all this and not only in his 27 years.

Nick Vudzhisik, known worldwide for video on YouTube and DVD, encourages people to live without restrictions, when they look the fact that he does, despite his disability. His new book, "Life without limits: the inspiration for the absurdly beautiful life" shows his personal view of the struggle of life, including depression and suicidal thoughts and how he overcame them.

Stop lying!
Monday, 01 November 2010 12:01


«Under the banner of this blatant outrage exclamation held October meeting of the Christian youth discussion, scientific, educational and entertainment SMS Drama Club. There is a disgusting ability to lie and stretch the truth in nature of every man, that day we had a great opportunity to make sure in it through our eyes, hands and even digestive system. Concerning the above-mentioned system, each of the comers had to face to the modern technology of the sausage making and examine it in practice. :))) There is no need to tell you about the occurring everywhere lie . There was not enough time to tell about all the spheres and types of charlatanry we have to face in our life.

The trip to Oposhnya
Tuesday, 02 November 2010 09:57


Our youth has been sitting too long within eight walls of our house of prayer. That`s why in a heart of them began to boil up slight resentment. “Vova when shall we go somewhere???” sadly asked young people.
Their persuasions and entreaties didn`t come by our team, that`s why on a monthly meeting of people who are responsible for this blessed ministry (youth ministry) it was decided: “We are going to Oposhnya!!!” We chose this settlement thanks to Andrey Hudyakov- brother who has missionary vision for our unbounded region.

The Day of Birthdays
Monday, 01 November 2010 11:53

Birthday celebration

 On the 19th of October cheerful and long-expected fest for all cake lovers “The Day of Birthdays” went off in our church. During this holiday the teachers of Sunday school have congratulated all the kids, who had their Birthdays in summer or in autumn.
Boys and girls were the guests in a beautiful autumnal garden, where hospitable host and hostess gave them cordial and hearty welcome. As the present all comers could make a birthday card by themselves. In their turn the heroes of the occasion have prepared musical surprise – the song about God`s Glory for their friends and parents.

«…А я должен быть спокоен в день бедствия» (Аввакума 3:16)
Wednesday, 27 October 2010 08:58
There are no translations available.


 21 октября 2010 года в Днепропетровской центральной церкви евангельских христиан баптистов случилось стихийное бедствие, катастрофа, беда, как желаете, так и назовите. После вечернего служения спустя 20-30 минут произошло возгорание и огонь быстро распространился на лестницы, пол, перегородки, окна, словом на все, что может гореть.

Пожарные команды, достаточно оперативно прибывшие на место, в меру своих технических и подъездных возможностей пытались предотвратить большой огонь. Однако, не получилось.

God gives salvation to the Church
Thursday, 07 October 2010 08:13


If you think that operation of the Holy Spirit has weakened, if you have accepted small amount of repentances at the divine service. Cheer up!!! The Lord is still adding those who are being saved.  

The baptizm that took place last Sunday gave evidences of it. Four sisters and one brother in front of the church and all the spiritual and physical world promised to serve the Lord in good and clear conscience. Each of them has partaken, or even satiated with disgusting worldly and godless life in sin.

New season SMS-club launched
Wednesday, 06 October 2010 08:19


 Attention! Youth SMS-club in a grand starts a new season of working . On Tuesday, 28th of September all comers had opportunity to be plunged in a friendly atmosphere of a good mood, interesting discussions, hot tea, and sweet cookies. The only thing that confused the guests was the Christmas tree, decorated with coloured garlands and shining bows, that was out of tune with picturesque autumn scenery outside the window. Later after the explanation of the hosts, who drew a parallel between opening of new season and New Year`s decorations, everybody realized the symbolic meaning of them. Despite the hall had holiday-like appearance, the theme was far from being festive: “If tomorrow will come?”This question challenged any human`s conceit and made everybody reconsider their own plans for the future.

A new Christian family
Monday, 04 October 2010 14:46

Сімя Головашів

 Killing heat of this summer had a serious effect on youth`s health of Salvation church, so we had to put aside all the love affairs for the early autumn.
When September came, as soon as the mushroom after the rain, a new Christian family of Vova and Maya Golovash had appeared.
Vova is not only a very blessed brother and administrator of Christian Center but also a well-liked and hold in high respect youth leader of Salvation Church.
We hope and pray for this union of two remarkable Christians to be the source of the strength in their ministries, thus they could minister together to the glory of Lord our Saviour Jesus Christ.

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