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Home News Camp day reminder
Camp day reminder

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 It was under this slogan has passed the first day of camp, a reminder of our fun camp with an alluring name of "Pink Flamingos" which, as you recall, was located on the Black Sea. All adults and adolescents were very happy to meet again and remember the beautiful moments spent together under the hot sun of Crimea. Barely, badly straining his memory, we had to restore in the mind of the title and motto of every team that participated in the camp program. After that we got the first task that was to take this interview on current topics concerning today's youth.

    total there were three:
1. It should bring up their children in a spirit of Christian morality?
2. Parents and their children, relationships with families.
3. Can we consider our youth the future of the nation?

Teams determined by lot who will get exactly what theme, and, after a brief training, we went on a "hunt" for the opinions of ordinary citizens (yes, the usual passers-by!) Human response to our questions can not be called typical. Someone once refused to talk (apparently afraid of so many interested), and who sincerely expressed his opinion. Others, hearing the question, immediately began to berate the youth, and some, not wanting to deal with religious themes, run away. In any case, it was the perfect opportunity to tell people about God and to hear what the idea of young people appears in the world, and perhaps even try to change something. All were unforgettable emotions and interesting experience.

The second stage of the camp the day was a hike. The starting point was defined stop "South" (m-pH Levada), but the finish was in a cafe near the dam (N. Mlyny) To keep it fun and interesting (and way, believe me, it was quite long and difficult!), Team Mentor inventing unusual "Tasks" under the title "Photohunt". For example: take pictures of the heel of the whole team, birch, stork, cloud, etc. - so the reason for the imagination was a bit too much, and the time flew by too quickly.
The camp day could not confine entertainment. Atop this magnificent act sermon Paul Kushnir, spiced interesting stories from his own experience. She also left a considerable imprint on our hearts and asked the subject for reflection.

Interestingly, the return we had to bus, but unanimously decided to walk to even if only for an hour or so to stretch a great time the camp community.
The next day, planning to camp in September. So expect everyone who considers himself a teenager!

Luda Rubtsova

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