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Science Supports Creation

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On July 4th 2012 scientists from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced the discovery of a new elementary particle - the Higgs Boson. The search for the Higgs Boson was one of the main reasons for building the large hadron collider - a particle accelerator 27 kilometers (almost 17 miles) in circumference.

This is the smallest indivisible sub-atomic particle, named in honor of the man who discovered it - the English physicist Peter Higgs. Scientists believe that the Higgs Boson is responsible for the mass of all the matter in the universe. In the opinion of the leading minds of science, without the Higgs Boson, all of the particles in the universe would be in a chaotic and disorganized state. More experiments are necessary to confirm that the particle that was discovered behaves in the same way as the boson predicted by the theory. Still, the expectation is that this discovery is the biggest leap forward since the Apollo program reached the moon in 1969...

Наука підтверджує створення ВсесвітуIf the existence of the Higgs Boson is confirmed, scientists will be able to answer difficult questions about the creation of the world. Thus the Higgs Boson, or "God Particle", as it was called by physicist Leon Lederman, plays the lead role in the Standard Model, which can explain not only how particles stick together, but may also be the key to understanding how the universe was created...

This is how John Ellis puts it, describing nearly 50 years of work by 2,000 scientists: "The Higgs Boson supports the theory of the construction of the universe. It's everywhere: in planets, stars, galaxies and in us. After so many years of searching we convinced ourselves that the universe is built according to the rules of logic".

We hope that exactly this type of statement attracts more adherents to creationism, and also increases the number of believers among scientists, who of course, also can be Christians. Indeed, if the universe is built according to the rules of logic, then there must exist the One who is the Author of those rules, the Logos, or Word, Creator (John 1:1 - 3).

Наука підтверджує створення Всесвіту
Thus it happens that humanity, standing on the threshold of an unbelievable discovery, always confronts another unsolved secret of the universe - the grand creation of God. Enthralled by the greatness, beauty and logic of creation, having uncovered many secrets (from the time to sow grain to moment of creation of space and time itself), having learned many natural laws, will we be able to understand all the Great Intellect of the universe - the Eternal Creator? (Eccl. 3:11)

Vlada Ryabukha





Наука підтверджує створення Всесвіту

Наука підтверджує створення Всесвіту

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