Building Bridges |
The division that resulted from the fall of the tower of Babel was a tragedy of global proportions. The language barrier was the "Berlin Wall" between peoples. Different languages - and as a result - different societies, different cultures, different world views. Is it worth it to try to glue it all back together? Is there any point in trying to get back what we lost? Is it worth it to return to the original intention of the creator?
The instructions are simple: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Amen" (Matthew 28: 19, 20). On November 29 the SMS Club tried to fulfill the mission that Jesus has entrusted to us. Firstly we invited, not all peoples (of course), but a few of them to our regular meeting and gave it the symbolic title "Building Bridges". We had the honor to host representatives of the Armenian community and a Syrian (we should note that in addition to the officially invited guests of the SMS Club, and the usual Ukrainians, we also had representatives of Iraq and sunny Egypt). And our guests did not come empty handed, but with a prepared culturally educational program that added an exotic flavor to the accustomed course of the meeting. Secondly, Andrey Khudyakov described his diverse cultural background, and in simple and easily accessible terms explained the unbiased relationship God has to every inhabitant of Earth, the single way for everyone to establish a relationship with Him and with each other. And thirdly and finally, we felt His real presence in the room with us. The Lord was with us from the start of the meeting to the end. His hand was visible in everything. He was using the participants of the SMS Club to achieve the goal that he set before his disciples 2000 years ago: "go and make disciples of all nations". What a great honor for each of us to participate in the global and benevolent intentions of the Creator. We hope with all our hearts and believe that the work that God has started will be completed. May all the nations of the world be blessed in Him! Tanya Varyanitsa |